2x SYBR qPCR Master Mix Low rox
2x Ultra SYBR Mixture (With Low ROX) is a convenient premixed 2x concentrated solution for SYBR Green I-based qPCR which include HotStar Taq DNA polymerase, PCR buffer, dNTPs, SYBR Green I fluorescent dyes, Mg2+ and ROX calibration dye. It can be applied to the target sequence detection of genomic DNA and cDNA. The SYBR Green I dye binds to double-stranded (ds) DNA without using sequence-specific probes. The chemically modified HotStar Taq DNA polymerase is inactive at room temperature which effectively avoids the non-specific amplification caused by primer dimers or the nonspecific binding of prime and template. The enzyme should be activated by incubation at 95°C for 10 minutes. The unique PCR buffer components and the hot start enzyme ensure PCR specificity and sensitivity.
The ROX is a dye molecule that can be used to normalize the well-to well fluorescent fluctuations. It is the low concentration in this kit. This kit applied to ABI Prism 7500/7500 Fast, Stratagene Mx3000/Mx3005P, Corbett Rotor Gene 3000 and other low rox level PCR instructions.
1ml or Bulk
Gene expression analysis
Gene copy number analysis
High sensitivity: exactly quantitate the low copy template
High specificity: maximatily reduce the primer dimers and non-specific product
Wide linear range; Accurate quantitation.
PCM33L | 2x Ultra Sybr qPCR Mix (Low ROX) | SYRB qPCR Mix, Hotstar tech, with ROX I(Low ROX) |
PCM33H | 2x Ultra Sybr qPCR Mix (High ROX) | SYRB qPCR Mix, Hotstar tech, with ROX II(High ROX) |